Golden Autumn
Golden Autumn - The South
Duration: minimum 4 days / 3 nights (it is possible to make the trip longer)
Peculiarities: Indian summer, bright colours of the deciduous trees, warm water
Availability: September, 15-30
Number of dives: up to 3 dives a day, including night dives
Main Areas: Circum-Baikal Railway diving area
Only in the area of Circum-Baikal Railway one can enjoy such a great variety of early autumn forest colours. Birch trees, aspens, willows, so rarely seen elsewhere on the Baikal shores, are bursting with every shade of yellow, red and scarlet here. In combination with warm surface water this is the season of comfortable dives and mild weather conditions.
Golden Autumn - The North
Duration: 10 days / 9 nights
Peculiarities: landscape photography is recommended
Availability: September, 20 - October, 15
Number of dives: up to 3 dives a day, including night dives
Main Areas: Bolshiye Koty, Khomuty, Birkhin, Olkhon, the Ushkan Islands, Brown Bears Shore
The landscapes gradually melt into one another. Such a variety of colours and weather conditions is unlikely to be seen and felt at any other time of year. Snow-covered mountain peaks in combination with the sky as clear as a bell; completely windless weather and the mild yellow colour of the larches; leaden sky and storm surges; sunbathing opportunities in the day alongside with possible morning frosts. Still warm surface water, comfortable air temperature, plenty of shore hikes. Possibly the best time of the year to dive the Baikal.

(Vitia Liagushkin. Magazine "DIVETEK" №4 2007)
I was like everyone else,
Drank and worked in fields.
I have read Dao De Jing
And have understood: “I got caught!”
I have burned my penthouse,
I have checked the vines
And I got out to dance
In the fog over Yatszy.
(Artem Melamed. Magazine "Neptune")
People are followed by things to do,
People follow the money,
They try to escape shame and sadness.
And I follow, follow the fog,
The dreams and the smell of taiga.
(Y. Kukin)
Saloon of ship “Valeriya” is swaying quietly on the Baikal’s waves; the thoughts start moving quicker through the head hurried by the sound of the motor, and outside the illuminator there is only indescribable beauty. A thoughtful young man is sitting with his laptop, trying to lure in the muse and get some inspiration from her. This is probably the best time to start a ship journal about our adventures. So, get comfortable, pour yourself some tea, take a cookie, and listen.